Charities I Support
For a number of years I have taken an interest in how I can make the world around me just a little bit better. This started with raising money by running Great North Runs, but more recently I have been looking at other ways in which I can help out those in need.
Make Poverty History
Every single day, 30,000 children are dying as a result of extreme poverty. In 2005 a number of opportunities allowed us to put pressure on our governments to end this shameful situation.
World Vision
With this in mind, I wanted to do my bit, and you can too. Just £8 a month can make a world of difference. But so can child sponsorship, a 'one-click' donation or even a gift purchased via the charity.
The Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research UK
In 2003, 2004 and 2005, I ran the BUPA Great North Run for the Booby Moore Fund, whilst in 2006 I took part in their 'Run for Moore' event in West Bromwich.
I initially choose this charity as Bobby Moore is one of my heroes, but later I got to know a number of people who had close family effected by Bowel Cancer, which this charity raises money for research into.
Recycle Now
Reduce, reuse, recycle! A nicely designed site offering plenty of tips to help you start recycling your rubbish!
Whilst it's true I started regular giving to this charity due to being grabbed on the street, it's a worthwhile cause that I've stuck with. Remember children are the future!