
Review: Old School

Old School

Not having heard of this film or even knowing of its release last year, I was persuaded to watch it on video - fully expecting a dud. I was also not familiar at the time of the cast, however this can sometimes be helpful as it adds an extra level of realism and is easier to except the actors as the characters they are portraying.

Mitch (Luke Wilson), Frank (Will Ferrell) and Beanie (Vince Vaughn) are disillusioned with their personal lives. The film starts of with Mitch catching the early flight home from a business trip to find his wife Heidi, cheating on him with two other people. Former party animal Frank gets married (the wedding scene is a particular highlight), but is unwilling to get go of his wild life whilst Beanie is a family man seeking to reclaim his wild and crazy youth.

He suggests that they form their own fraternity in Mitch’s new house on a college campus to re-live their glory days, bringing together a variety of misfit college students, losers, middle-aged and elderly retirees as their new friends and later try to avoid being evicted by the new Dean of Students, Pritchard, whom still holds a personal grudge against all three of them.

Although it starts to drag in a few places, the comedy is clever and genuine and doesn’t relay too heavily on the ‘gross out’ material such films in this genre tend to use.

This is without doubt one of the best American comedies I have seen in a long while, and definitely one of my all time favourite films.


1 responses so far. Go on, add yours!

 Gravatar#1 On May 1, 2005 12:17 PM, lOUIS AGUIS said...

I just wanna say i love you will, your my idol .your the greatest FRANK THE TANK WOOOOOH !!!!!

Film Details

Directed by:
Todd Philips
Luke Wilson, Will Ferrel, Vince Vaughn
Dreamworks Pictures

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Old School

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HeadshotLloydyWeb is the home of Paul Robert Lloyd, a British graphic designer with a passion for web standards and attractive design.

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