
A gr8 time to start taking notice

G8 leaders at the 2004 summit, Sea Island, USA

A bad habit of mine is that I often tend to neglect blogging my thoughts and views regarding the big issues of the day, even given my usual strong opinions. This is something I’m aiming to rectify and what better place to start: 30,000 children dying a day, needlessly.

Live8 Logo You’ve no doubt heard the statistics - over and over again. We live in a society where such figures have become background noise. ‘More important’ issues take precedence - should I buy a 50 or 56 inch plasma television? How long before I can afford a new Apple Cinema Display to go alongside my swanky new G5? How will we afford this months mortgage repayment…

I guess that’s where Live8 came in. As one of many MakePovertyHistory events this year, Bob Geldof has helped bring this noise to the foreground (very much noise in the case of Velvet Revolver…!). It’s a shame that this, and other events throughout the year are needed for us sorry lot to ‘buy into’ caring and to take notice, but maybe now our ears have been pricked - they should stay that way. Awareness is the key.

What you can do

It may be difficult, but of all the 52 weeks of the year, this is the one week we should really be paying attention to what’s happening around us. Here’s a few things you can do this week to become part of the solution, and not part of the problem:

  1. Sign the Live8 List
  2. Buy a white wristband - and not one of those ‘I’m a fashion conscious hippy’ ones you can get in TopShop etc. (don’t get me started on that particular topic…!)
  3. Talk about it. If unlike me you work in an office where sensible conversation can exist, talk about it amongst your colleagues. Even blog about it (ahem - Jon)
  4. Take an interest. Even if it be for just this week - watch the news. Even better watch programmes such as Channel 4 News (19:00, Channel 4) and Newsnight (22.30, BBC2) as these tend to go a bit more in depth and offer less watered down reporting. (Oh and reading The Sun does not count as reading the news…)
  5. Should the G8 leaders fail to announce what they need to announce - more aid, debt relief, and fair trade (which by all accounts seems to be a sticking point), as well as those important decisions on climate change - kick up a fuss. You voted these people into power - start becoming responsible for their actions.


1 responses so far. Go on, add yours!

 Gravatar#1 On July 4, 2005 5:05 PM, Jon Roobottom said...

This is one of the only new longer lloydyweb posts I've managed to read all the way through - interesting stuff. I imagine that many people would agree with your point of view (even the people concerned about their apple displays). We all (for the most part) care about the other people, but as you say it's easy to get bogged down in our own lives - After all it's us living them.

Regardless of what I think about Bush, I believe the leaders of our nations can really set the wheels of change in motion this coming week. We need to put an end to third world debt NOW.

So it's fair enough if you want to go and buy a plasma TV, or Blog about other stuff. You can still have a opinion on world issues, or sign the G8 list, or buy a white band, or watch live8, or donate money to charities that you care about, or actively seek out people to help.

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HeadshotLloydyWeb is the home of Paul Robert Lloyd, a British graphic designer with a passion for web standards and attractive design.

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