2006 taught me a valuable life lesson - that aside from making the most of any opportunities that come your way (and I’ve had my fair share of them), you can (and should) create your own opportunities if you are to actually make the most of your time on this Earth.
Right now I almost feel master of my own destiny, and begin 2007 with an incredibly positive attitude (and I think it’s spreading).
Continue reading “Two Thousand and Seven”
It’s not a new or particularly novel concept - taking and selecting a photo to mark each day, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about doing for a while. Seeing as I already have a photo from the first three days of this year, I’ve decided to commit myself to recording 2007 by taking a photo each day, a concept commonly known as “Project 365”.
Continue reading “Project 365 - Taking one photo each day during 2007”
Given that I’m back to work tomorrow morning, and a return to some sort of normality (if you can call any of this existence normal), I just wanted to record a few personal goals I’m aiming for this year…
Continue reading “Seven Goals for '07”
My Feedburner stats tell me I have around 50 subscribers to my feed. My site stats suggest that I get a fair few unique visitors to this site everyday. However I don’t see that many comments on my posts to justify these numbers. In the same vein as Veerle and Roger, I think it’s time to ‘de-lurk’!
Continue reading “De-lurk and win a £20 iTunes Gift Certificate!”
I guess I’ve let a little too much time pass without adding a blog post… so much for that new years resolution goal.
I haven’t got a lot to say to be fair, having finally recovered from a cold that’s knocked me out for the last two weeks. But it had dawned on me, that only four weeks into 2007, I have already managed to cover a fair bit of ground.
Continue reading “A Weekend in Las Vegas”